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Native American Children's Literature


Children’s literature written by and about Native Americans is an important and growing field of literature that is seen from baby board books to academic research papers.

Outcry for equal representation in kids' media grew over the last decade as the impact of kids seeing themselves framed as protagonists became apparent. For Native children this is doubly important as many tribes’ cultures have been subject to active eradication via assimilation attempts and much writing about Native culture has long been produced by non-Native writers.

The positive impact of seeing oneself as a living person in the present day rather than a historical object with no currency is incalculable. Native Americans deserve to tell their own stories.  

Selection Criteria

Author representation: I compiled sources on literature for young readers created by indigenous people. 

Community engagement: I looked first at those voices who are part of the current conversation around the topic.

Currency: I aimed for those published since the early 1990s.   

Ease of access: I did my best to choose sources with no paywall outside of databases.


Possible Questions

Have any children’s books written for and about Native peoples won awards?

Is there somewhere I can search an author by tribe?

How do I choose and/or locate books respectful of Native culture?

How do I support Native writers?

Why do children’s books by Native writers matter?